Biggest Plumbing Myths

plumbing myths

Biggest Plumbing Myths

Most homeowners will only give their plumbing a thought when something goes wrong- which is the absolute worst time.

We all know how damaging plumbing problems can be and how expensive plumbing issues can get. Still, plumbing has always been plagued by numerous myths and misconceptions. So much so that it’s rather challenging to figure out fact from fiction.

Well, not anymore. Here are some of the biggest plumbing myths expert plumbers want you to be wary of.

1. Ice Cubes Sharpen Garbage Disposal

It’s rather difficult to imagine how ice cubes can sharpen garbage disposal blades-or any blade for that matter. However, you will be surprised at how many people have bought into this idea. While it’s not clear how this came about, it’s likely to have stemmed from the recommendation of cleaning disposals with ice cubes.

let’s look at how disposals work. First off, garbage disposals do not have blades. Instead, they have two teeth-resembling features known as impellers.

These work by grinding solids into a liquid as the entire unit spins. In essence, it's the speed of the disposal that grinds, not so much the sharpness of the blade.

While a few ice cubes down the drain won’t necessarily damage it, it does nothing for its performance.

2. A Brick In The Toilet Tank Saves Some Dollars

A complete flush toilet uses an average of 11 litres per flush. On the other hand, a dual flash uses 4.5 litres for a full flush and 3 litres for a half flush.

Depending on the number of people in a household and the number of toilet breaks, the water used per day can add up. So it's not surprising that people keep thinking up ways to minimise the water used and, by extension, the water bill.

Unfortunately, this has yielded untruths. One of these says that you can minimise the amount of water you use by placing a brick in the toilet's tank. Regrettably, what is most likely to happen is that you will stop your toilet from functioning as it should. This might damage the unit, costing you even more in repairs or replacements.

Instead of the brick strategy, read up some practical ways to reduce your water usage here.

3. Flushable Wipes Are Okay To Flush

We have new products in the market, including wipes that are said to be flushable. While they just might be, it's important to remember that wipes are made from compounds that are not instantly water-soluble.

This means that they can end up piling in your system and creating clogs before they dissolve. In addition, a tiny, insignificant pile has the potential to grow significantly larger with time, creating a plumbing nightmare.

No matter how they are marketed, avoid throwing wipes down the toilet, and all other items save for toilet paper.

4. Drains Are In excellent Condition As Long As They Are Passing Water

One sign of a properly working drain is its ability to do its job. This includes passing water.

However, this does not give you a comprehensive summary of the condition of your drain. It’s possible to have a clogged drain still passing water, thanks to the size of the drain and the water pressure.

This is why you have a perfectly functional drain one minute and a broken one the next. The problem is usually there all along but undetectable until the worst possible moment.

If you notice water flowing slower, you might have a clogged drain. Regular inspections also come in handy in ensuring your drains are kept clean and clear and that any budding problems are addressed promptly.

5. A leaky Faucet Is Nothing To Fuss About

You might have heard this one before. That it is okay to let water leak from a faucet. Indeed, many people will ignore their leaky faucets until the problems become too much to contend with.

While a leak never looks that sinister, it will cost you. For example, a fast dripping faucet (120 drips a minute) wastes about 300 gallons of water a month, costing you extra in water bills. A typical leak has ten drips per minute and will waste 29 gallons of water. Granted, this does not seem like much, but the costs add up over the months.

Not just that, but water is quickly becoming a scarce resource. Seemingly minor wastages like these do little for sustainability. A faucet that leaks at one drip per minute wastes up to 3,000 gallons of water a year. This amount of water is enough for about 180 showers, to put this in perspective.

6. A Running Toilet Is okay

A running toilet is one that constantly runs even when not in use.

Like a leaky faucet, most people do not think of running toilets as plumbing emergencies. However, this can be one reason why you are getting hiked bills.

Running toilets can be challenging to diagnose because the water drains directly into the sewer line. This is harder to notice than a pool of water under your sink.

A moderately running toilet will let off 6,000 gallons of water a year. This results in significantly higher water bills and environmental damage.

A simple way to diagnose running water at home is by using food color. Insert a few drops of food color into the tank and let the toilet stand without flushing for about 30 minutes to an hour.

If you find color in the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a running toilet. There are various reasons for a running toilet, and it’s best to have your plumber come in and correctly identify and fix the underlying issue.

Unfollow The Myths

Some of the myths you might have bought into might be pushing up your bills and damaging your plumbing. Your plumber would be the best person to address any plumbing problems you might have and offer tips on day-to-day care and maintenance tips.

If you are in Queensland, Australia and need a fast, professional, reputable plumbing service, call us at Plumber To Your Door.



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